Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Diabetes Treatment

Of course, most people are familiar with daily insulin injections as the treatment for type 1 diabetes, they may not be aware of newer medications that can help type 2 diabetics control their blood sugar.

The vast majority of medications can be taken by mouth. Sometimes one drug is used, sometimes a combination. It all depends on the individual patient, and what will be most effective for them. Of course, like all prescription medications, they may pose side effects in some patients, though most are relatively minor.

With some type 2 diabetes patients, their doctor may recommend intensive insulin therapy. Intensive insulin therapy is designed to prevent or slow the progression of long-term diabetes complications by keeping your blood sugar level as close to normal as possible.

In many cases, however, the older type 2 diabetes drugs, such as Metformin, are just as effective as the newer ones, and much less expensive. The bottom line is: Work with your doctor to find the treatment plan that works best for you.

For more information visit